in the far future or the distant past...
After the “Turnover” we follow the story of 3 characters and their journey to fulfil their dreams in this post apocalyptic world, from one who believes in freedom, one who believes in order, and one who believes in the stars.
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main characters
This project is a long running project that's been brewing since 2016. The main focus of the project is to introduce the world of 'Anima' to the viewers, whether through the character design, environments, creatures, etc.
CHaracter Design
The characters are designed based on their personality and their believes. I design these characters in 2 ways, either I have the story for them ready, then I research about the visuals, or vice versa.
Environments are complicated, that's why I try to tackle them step by step. I try to design the stage first, before moving on to a key art to help visualize the image more. This process can take quite some time for research and production.
Misc. sections includes artworks that are too little in numbers, but will be categorized in the future, as the artworks and concepts gets finalized.
until we meet again little star... gladis latios...