Stylized Environment in Unreal engine 4
A stylized environment made using Zbrush, Maya, and executed inside of Unreal Engine 4. This is my result after following Tyler Smith's Stylized Environment in Unreal Engine 4. further improvement to be expected! :)
Cinematic Video
Some stills from the stylized environment and their points of interests. All assets are sculpted inside of Zbrush, UV mapped in Maya, and then exported for Unreal Engine 4. This project took around one week-ish to finish, from scratch to final video render.
Asset zoo & maps
The assets consists a clump of foliages and some boulders. The boulder consists of a large boulder and a rock formation for brush asset inside of Unreal. The foliage consists of branch A and branch B, ferns, flowers and flower petals, moss, and grass. There's also a cloud asset as a static background actor.
Boulder Maps
Foliage Maps
Unreal engine 4
The materials used and the nodes web inside of the engine. Below you can see how the nodes connects to each other, and how it effects the actors in real time.
Wind Effect Node
Materials Used
Boulder Material Nodes
Foliage Material Nodes